Beginning December 9, School Board and School Board Committee meetings move to our new permanent location at Lincoln School (211 S. 6th Ave.). Please park and enter from East side of building.
Connect with the Music staff at Wild Rose through our Staff Directory page. Search: Music
Wild Rose students in 1st through 5th grade attend music once a week for 30 minutes. Kindergartners come to music class twice a week. In our time together we will be learning about basic elements of music such as rhythm, melody, harmony, form, and timbre. Students will be busy listening, moving, playing, sharing, and experimenting with music. They will be creating music, performing it, responding to it, and making connections through it. My hope is that students will have a greater understanding of what comprises music and will see themselves as the musicians they are.
Why Music?
Music is an integral part of all cultures and is an important part of the human experience. It is unique among the arts and sciences in its ability to elicit emotion; provoke thought; foster creativity; develop interpersonal awareness; transcend time, place, and language; and make that which is intangible tangible. It is a cornerstone of civilization and an important part of a well-rounded curriculum.